Russia Warns: To Arm Moldova With NATO Weapons Risk Disaster

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Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Galuzin has expressed concern to RIA Novosti that Moldova’s increased military cooperation with the West could have catastrophic consequences.

“The intensification of military and military-technical cooperation between Chisinau and NATO nations is a factor that undermines Moldova’s security to a greater extent. Experience demonstrates that recklessly supplying a country with Western weapons or deploying NATO contingents on its territory does not enhance its security and sovereignty, but rather carries it closer to catastrophe” Galuzin said. Furthermore, he remarked that Moldovans should be able to see the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine very clearly.

In December of 2022, Mircea Geoana, the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, stated in Chisinau “NATO will continue to assist the Republic of Moldova in strengthening its resistance in the face of mounting Russian pressure. NATO regards the Republic of Moldova as an important partner. NATO takes Moldova’s requests for additional support to boost national security seriously. A strong sense of cooperation exists between us, which is intensified in these difficult times.”

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