Saab Delivers New SIGINT-Ship HSwMS Artemis To Sweden

The Swedish Defense Materiel Administration, FMV, receives the new SIGINT-ship HSwMS Artemis from Saab.

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HSwMS Artemis was launched 35 years after her forerunner, HSwMS Orion. Saab is transferring ownership to the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration, FMV, on April 28, 2023. Under the supervision of the National Defense Radio Establishment (FRA), she will be outfitted with signal intelligence equipment.

“This is an important day in Saab’s history, when the shipyard in Karlskrona is delivering the first newly constructed ship after Saab’s takeover of Kockums almost ten years ago. The signal intelligence capabilities are important for Sweden, and today is an important milestone.” Mats Wicksell, Saab’s Head of Business Area Kockums, stated as much.

The new ship will have improved maneuverability and will provide the Swedish Armed Forces and the National Defense Radio Establishment with a more comfortable living environment. Her electromagnetic compatibility, or EMC capabilities, will also be enhanced. This indicates that the ship will emit fewer signals that are disruptive.

In addition to the FRA-installed equipment for signals intelligence, the ship is also equipped with sensors for naval intelligence.

HSwMS Artemis will replace HSwMS Orion.

In March 2018, the first steel was cut for the new intelligence ship, followed by the keel-laying only three months later. She was launched on April 17, 2019 at PGZ Stocznia Wojenna in Gdynia, Poland. The project was delayed in March 2021 due to the Polish shipyard’s financial difficulties.

HSwMS Artemis will be Sweden’s new platform for gathering information and signal intelligence (SIGINT) at sea. She will replace the HSwMS Orion, which has been in service since 1984. Saab previously disclosed that Artemis is larger in length, height, and width than its predecessor. In every respect, however, she is the most advanced.

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