Ukraine: Russian Missile Hits Children’s Hospital

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Russia launched missiles at the primary children’s hospital in Kyiv and other cities throughout Ukraine on Monday, resulting in the most lethal airstrikes in months. At least 41 civilians were killed.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the President of Ukraine, who visited Poland prior to his departure for a NATO summit in Washington, estimated that 37 individuals had died, including three children. The incident resulted in more than 170 injuries.

However, there were at least 41 casualties from the various attack sites in different regions.

In a post on Telegram, Zelenskiy described damage to over 100 buildings, including the children’s hospital and maternity center in Kyiv, as well as children’s nurseries, a business center, and homes.

Ukraine declared a day of mourning for one of the war’s worst air attacks, saying it needed Western allies to upgrade its air defenses.

Air defenses intercepted 30 of the 38 missiles, according to the air force. The Security Service of Ukraine identified the missile as a Kh-101 cruise missile.

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