US Navy Seized Over 2,000 Assault Rifles From Iranian Smuggling Vessel

The U.S. Navy intercepted an Iranian smuggling vessel in the Gulf of Oman, resulting in the seizure of over 2,000 assault rifles on January 6.

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On January 6, the US Navy stopped an Iranian ship that was smuggling weapons in the Gulf of Oman. This led to the seizure of more than 2,000 assault rifles.

U.S. Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, who heads up the Central Command, the Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces, said that this shipment was part of an ongoing pattern of destabilizing activity coming from Iran, and they will not let their guard down in the search for any maritime activity that threatens regional security.

U.S. naval forces seized 2,116 AK-47 assault rifles from a fishing vessel transiting along a maritime route from Iran to Yemen.

Since November, three Yemeni-crewed fishing vessels have been halted from transporting lethal aid from Iran to Houthi rebels in Yemen. The seizure total includes more than 70 tons of chemicals and 50 tons of ammunition rounds, fuses, and propellants for rockets and explosives.

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